In this video, I'm sharing with you my testimony of how God has used the ministry of GGAC to bring miracles and prophetic guidance to my life. I'm also sharing with you the latest news from the GGAC testimony room and prophecy conference. Thank you for watching! This video contains incredible Christian teaching, prophecy, and preaching from Prophet Joseph Emmanuel and others. Join our Telegram channel here to get prayer updates, prayer points, prophetic Christian quotes, and new video notifications: JOSEPH EMMANUEL: THE PRAYER YOU NEED TO RECOVER FROM YOUR AFFLICTION: JOSEPH EMMANUEL delivers yet another explosive message. Please watch and share with friends and family to be a blessing to everyone, God bless you as you do. Subscription to GGAC Worldwide is available here: must-watch THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SERMON YOU WILL SEE THIS YEAR | TESTIMONIES FROM PROPHET JOSEPH EMMANUEL: Word and Prophecy Conference: JOSEPH EMMANUEL TEACHINGS | 2022: TESTIMONIES FROM PROPHET JOSEPH EMMANUEL | 2022 Joseph Emmanuel, the Lord's servant, is a compendium of revelation, and we are tasked by the grace of God and the unction of the Holy Spirit to highlight critical revelatory points to afford you the opportunity to meditate on and profit from the different dimensions of the word preached. God bless you as you receive the word in Jesus' name. We need to rebuke the powers of evil from time to time, and this is the conduit for doing so. Many networks avoid discussing faults that may have hampered blessings and destiny, but this one does. It emphasizes the gospel of Jesus Christ, God's love, the value of prayer, separation from the world, bearing fruit as a Christian, evidence of true faith, prophecy, and other topics. ⚑SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL⚑ This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them)2)This video is also used for teaching purposes.3)It is transformative in nature.4)I ONLY used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary.If you have any concerns regarding the material used in this video, please contact us via email at" and we can come to a resolution#overcomingdaily #ggacworldwide#prophecy #miracles #ggacabuja #ggac #ggacinternational #delightsometv #ggacjos #teaching #opportunity #love #share #video #thankyou #email