Home Articles ArticlesEducation 20 Vocabularies that will make your English Speaking Stand out!!-Must Read!

Tired of using the everyday lingo?! Me too. It's important you grow your vocabulary as it enables you learn news words to put across your point. It also makes you seem intelligent when using rare or un-used words amongst your peers or superiors.
Here are twenty new words that make you seem super smart:
1.    DIBS –  a plural noun which refers to having rights or claim to something. eg, I have dibs in that money ie I have a share or I have a claim in that money.

2.    FRAZZLE – a transitive verb which refers to making someone very upset or nervous. eg, Don't frazzle me. Past tense is FRAZZLED eg I was frazzled.
3.    ABRADE – a transitive verb which refers to damage or to irritate something by rubbing: it also means to wear down in spirit eg, Do not abrade my skin or Do not abrade my mood. ie Do not damage my skin or Do not make my spirit weary or irritated.
4.    CHAFE – a transitive verb which refers to being impatient or vexed eg Do not chafe me ie Do not vex or make me impatient.
5.   MULCT – a transitive verb which refers to defraud, swindle or obtain by duress, fraud or theft. eg He'll mulct you if you give him the money ie He'll defraud, steal from, obtain by duress or swindle you.
6.   NOBBLE – a transitive verb which refers to win over to one's side, to get hold of or catch someone or something. eg, I nobble every girl I'm attracted to or I nobbled my girlfriend cheating.

7.   CHOUSE – a transitive verb that refers to cheat or trick eg, Why did you chouse me? ie Why did you cheat or trick me?
8.   SKUNK – a noun which refers to a very bad or unpleasant person eg Ann is a skunk ie Ann is a bad or an unpleasant person.
9.   TROUNCE – a transitive verb which refers to defeat someone or something easily, severely or thoroughly eg Man-U will trounce Liverpool at the next game ie Man-U will defeat easily or thoroughly beat Liverpool at the next game.
10.  DRUB – a transitive verb that refers to berate critically, to criticize or yell at someone in a loud and angry way eg. You don't have to drub me because I made a mistake ie You don't have to berate or yell at me because I made a mistake.

11.   JOLLITY –  a noun that refers to a happy or cheerful quality or mood eg Tola's jollity is endearing ie Tola's happy or cheerful mood is endearing.
12.   STINKARD – a noun which refers to a mean or contemptible person eg You must be a stinkard to think bullying is cool ie You must be a mean person to support bullying.
13.   CHURL – a noun which refers to a rude, ill-bred and stingy person eg Sam is a churl, he has no manners and lacks etiquette ie Sam is rude, ill-bred. or He's such a churl, he never wants to pick the tab ie He's such a stingy fellow he never wants to pay the bills.
14.   STUPEFY – a transitive verb which refers to excessive shock or surprise or  to cause someone to be confused or unable to think clearly eg Why did you stupefy me? ie why did you shock, surprise or confuse me
 15.   BOOR – a noun which refers to a rude and rough person eg James is such a boor, I don't like to get involved with him ie James is such a rude and rough person, I don't like to get involved with him.
16.   SOD – a noun which refers to one's native land, eg I am a sod of Imo State ie I am a native  or an indegene of Imo State.
17.   KOOK – a noun which refers to a person whose ideas or actions are very strange or foolish eg Denrele is such a kook because of his personality ie Denrele's ideas or actions are very strange and foolish because of his personality.

18.   ZANY – a noun which refers to one who acts the buffoon or on who acts stupidly or foolishly just to amuse others eg Basketmouth is a zany ie Basketmouth acts the buffoon just to make others laugh.
19.   HIGHFALUTIN – an adjective which refers to seeming or trying to seem great or important eg My highfalutin in-laws dropped by my house unannounced ie My in-laws who think they are important droppd by my house unannounced.
20.  FANFARONADE – a noun which refers to empty boasting eg all his arrogant talk on winning the next game was fanfaronade.  ie all his arrogant talk on winning the next game was empty boasting.


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