Fight The Good Fight Of Faith ~ Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Topic: Fight The Good Fight Of Faith [Tuesday January 5, 2016]

“This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;” -1 Timothy 1:18.

What a Mighty God we serve! I celebrate God for your life and for bringing you thus far to this great year of From glory to Glory. It is my earnest prayer that this year will be wonderful, prosperous and life-changing for you. Indeed, God is too faithful to fail!

This month, as our usual custom is, we will be beginning with our annual 21-day prayer and fasting. However, it is not a religious exercise, but a spiritual re-energizing and start-up for the great changes God has in store for you this year.
Every change of story usually involves the personal and dedicated engagement of the individual involved. That is why you must personally pray and fast your way into breakthroughs unlimited this year. God has ordained a “rebranding” package for the Winners’ family and everyone who cares to believe.

However, you must know that every prophetic word must be birthed through effective warfare as indicated in the above scripture. I, therefore, will be documenting striking testimonies to help your preparation for an encounter this year. It must be for you an encounter of a lifetime; therefore you mustn’t toil with this great opportunity. Read this:
Supernatural Change of Story!

“Before Shiloh 2013, I asked God: “The winners’ Family is going to have a name, what will my own individual name be?” He told me that my 2014 shall be a year of open doors.

In January 2014, during the 21-day prayer and fasting, I decided to maximize it. I divided my 21 days into three, making it seven days in each. Each of the seven had a name. The first seven days, I called mercy. There, I prayed for mercy concerning everything that pertains to my life. The second I called grace, where I asked God to ‘engrace’ my life. The third, I called favour. Meanwhile, where I worked was nothing to write home about. However, in February 5, 2014, God changed my job and doubled my salary. Later that year, God moved me from two times what I received as salary in the first job to four times in the third job. I give God all the glory!” —Kingsley Chukwukiri

Just as God transformed the life of this brother, He will definitely transform yours. Therefore, make adequate preparations and enjoy the best of God. This is going to be your best year ever in the name of Jesus Christ!

Remain Blessed!
